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A small young man who calls himself a resident of Mars.

The world we live in today is full of strange things, different people are characterized by different beliefs and traditions. This time around, it's the story of a young man from Mars who claims himself a residence of Mars. H…


The world we live in today is full of strange things, different people are characterized by different beliefs and traditions. This time around, it's the story of a young man from Mars who claims himself a residence of Mars. His statements have surprised people and made them think that he is an unusual person?



Polyskas, he is known as a popular and also considered one whose experience can qualify him as a legend. Since he was very young he has learned a lot about the planets in the universe. And he himself declared that he was not born on Earth, but on Mars.



He was forced to land on Earth due to the failure of a spacecraft. Even more surprising than the fact that he performed several performances to show that he would return to Mars in the future is that he passed the polygraph test when he mentioned these comments.



This young man claimed to have come from Mars according to many incidents. He only predicted that a huge natural disaster would happen on earth in 2020 and humanity would not be able to bear it.



We are now in 2021 and everyone is scared to see the coronavirus epidemic caused by the world. After this incident some began to ask if he was a prophet who was sent to earth because he said he came from another planet.



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