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Do you know how the window affects our life in any way!

If the windows are in the wrong direction, you may face heavy losses due to them. Learn what to look for and tactics to help ease the way.1.Depending on the ecology, it is considered beneficial to have windows on the east, west a…


If the windows are in the wrong direction, you may face heavy losses due to them. Learn what to look for and tactics to help ease the way.


1.       Depending on the ecology, it is considered beneficial to have windows on the east, west and north sides of the house. Having a window to the north, east and west opens the way to wealth and prosperity.

2.       There should be more windows on the east side. It brings good luck to the house. With this the family members get fame, progress.

3.       The northern side is associated with Kubera, the god of wealth.

4.       Having a window on the south side increases the chances of disease and grief because the south side is considered as the side of the jom, so windows should be avoided on this side.

5.       The windows should be two-sided and there should be no sound like opening and closing them, they increase the negative energy.

6.       If there are electric poles, towers or dish antennas in front of the window, it will hinder the career of the children. Keep thick curtains on the windows so that negative energy does not enter the room.

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