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Big disclosure of famous anchor

New Delhi: The famous female anchor has described herself as a 'product of rape'. Kayla Braxton revealed that her mother was sexually assaulted by an unknown man, after which the mother became pregnant and they were born…

New Delhi: The famous female anchor has described herself as a 'product of rape'. Kayla Braxton revealed that her mother was sexually assaulted by an unknown man, after which the mother became pregnant and they were born. This statement of the woman came after the US Supreme Court abolished the constitutional right to abortion.

 31-year-old Braxton is a famous anchor of WWE. He recently described himself as a 'Product of Rape' in a tweet. Braxton has opposed the ban on abortion in the US. The WWE anchor wrote in his tweet- 'I am the product of rape. My mother was raped by a stranger. Till date I do not know who my biological father is. My mother chose to give birth to me because it was her wish. Not because the law compelled them to do so.


Kayla Braxton says it is a woman's right to have a child or not. No rule should be imposed by making law. Giving birth to a child is an issue related to a woman's health and life. Braxton said – 'We must have our own choice.'


Significantly, the US Supreme Court has abolished the 50-year-old constitutional right to abortion there. Women in America are finding it difficult to get an abortion after the court changed the law that legally allowed abortion. Protests are taking place in different cities of the country against this decision of the court.

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